About Us

Blue Blood Biotech Corp. derives its name from the precious and noble

nature of blood. Based on sound knowledge and can-do attitude, we are

diligently developing our core competence on plasma-derived and

recombinant protein platforms and diagnostic reagent. And through these

platform technologies, we shall able to continue delivering life-saving

medicine to benefit patents and improve the quality of life.



2000 Blue Blood Biotech Corp. was founded.
2001 Collaborated with National Cheng Kung University and National
  Taiwan University in developing anti-Enterovirus type-71 (EV-71) and
  anti-Cytomegalovirus (CMV) intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) products.
2003 Established an R& D lab at incubator in National Cheng Kung
  University and completed bench-scale development work for
  intravenous immunoglobulin.
  Awarded SBIR grant by Department of Industrial Technology of
  MOEA in developing IVIG process.
2004 Relocated the R&D lab and established a pilot facility at the SME
  incubator at Tainan Science Park.
  Completed pilot-scale IVIG process development.
2005 Change name to Blue Blood Biotech Corp.
  Licensed novel epidermal growth factor (NEGF) from Professor
  Hua-Lin Wu at National Cheng Kung University. For his contribution,
  Professor Wu, was awarded the Excellent Contributions in Technology
  Transfer Award sponsored by National Science Council.
2006 Initiated development of recombinant NEGF protein drug for wound healing treatment.
2007 1. Awarded grant funding of $50M NTD for NEGF product
  development project from Bureau of Industrial Technology of MOEA.
2. Completed manufacturing cell banks of NEGF product in
  compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) at
  Charles River Laboratories, Inc.
2008 1. Completed training and scaling up at 150L for recombinant NEGF
  at Wanxing Bio-Pharmaceuticals' GMP facility.
  2. Completed production of the anti-EV-71 hyper immune IVIG.
  3. MOEA approved NEGF product development project is qualified
    for governmental incentives under “Biotech and New
    Pharmaceutical Development Act”.
2009 1. Collaborated with Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, USA
    in scaling up at 100L for recombinant NEGF fermentation and
  purification process at GMP facility.
2. Patent application of “A composition for wound healing and use
  thereof” was granted by State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s
  Republic of China.
2010 1. NEGF product development project was selected as key project
    by biotechnology and pharmaceutical Industries Promotion Office,
    MOEA to provide customization service and assist strengthening
    promotion work.
  2. Center of Drug Evaluation, Taiwan provided “Index Cases
    Consultation Services” for NEGF product development project
    from 2010 until now.
  3. Collaborated with Animal Technology Institute Taiwan in wound
    healing mechanism study for recombinant NEGF.
  4. Patent application of “A composition for wound healing and use
    thereof” was granted by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
    and IP Australia.
  5. Patent application of “Methods and compositions for Promoting
    Angiogenesis” was granted by United States Patent and
    Trademark Office.
  6. MOEA approved Acnex project is qualified for governmental
    incentives under “Biotech and New Pharmaceutical Development
  7. Signed contract with Cytovance Biologics, Inc. for phase I drug
    substance cGMP production of recombinant NEGF, and started to
    process and analytical method technology transfer.
2011 1. Patent application of “Dextromethorphan-Based Method for
  Treating Acne” was granted by United States Patent and
  Trademark Office.
2. Patent application of “A composition for wound healing and use
  thereof” was granted by Japan Patent Office and Korean Intellectual
  Property Office.
3. Attend pre-IND meeting with US FDA for topical recombinant
  NEGF (BB-101) for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer.
2012 1. Patent application of “Methods and compositions for bactericide,
  bacteriostatic and anti-inflammation” was granted by European
  Patent Office, IP Australia,and Taiwan Intellectual Property Office.
2. Awarded grant funding of $15m NTD for “Preclinical Study
  Program for Wound Therapy Protein Drug BB-101” from
  Department of Industrial Technology of MOEA.
3. Patent application of “Method for treating wounds using an
  EGF-like domain of Thrombomodulin” was granted by United
  States Patent and Trademark OfficePatent application of
4. Patent application of “Methods and compositions for treating ischemia”
  was granted by United States Patent and Trademark Office.
2013 1. The ongoing NEGF protein preclinical study was successfully
    awarded the Industrial R&D Promotional Loans of 27 Million NT
    Dollars from Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of
    Economic Affairs.
  2. Patent application of “A composition for wound healing and use
    thereof” was granted by Taiwan Intellectual Property Office.
  3. Patent application of “Methods and compositions for bactericide,
    and anti-inflammation” was granted by Japan Patent Office and Korean
    Intellectual Property Office.
2015 1. US FDA Approves Phase I Clinical Trial of NEGF (BB-101) for the
    Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers.
    From drug discovery to clinical trial, all the development works of BB-101
    Blue Blood. FDA’s approval for clinical trial is an important milestone not
    only for Blue is executed by Blue Blood. FDA’s approval for clinical trial is
    an important milestone not only for Blue Blood, but also for Taiwan
  2. Awarded grant funding of $15M NTD for “Phase I Clinical Study Program
    for Wound Therapy Protein Drug BB-101” from Department of Industrial
  3. Patent application of “A composition for wound healing and use thereof”
    was granted by European Patent Office.
2018 1. Taiwan FDA Approves Phase I Clinical Trial of NEGF (BB-101) for the
    for Wound Therapy Protein Drug BB-101” from Department of Industrial
2020 1. Completed cGMP manufacturing at 300L for drug substance of clinical batch
  2. Completed engineering run at 500L scale for recombinant protein manufacture
2021 1. Complete the recruitment of subjects for the phase I clinical trial of BB-101, 
    and the results concludedthat the trial had no safety concerns by the committee
    board of Clinical SafetyMonitoring.
2022 1. Extending business to pet skin care by entrusted GMP factory to manufacture 
    high-efficiency pet skin rejuvenation spray
  2. International Cosmetic Ingredients INCI listed 
  3. Entrust a medical factory to develop microneedle products for cosmetics’  
  4. The results of phase I clinical trial show that the BB-101 drug can effectively  
    improve the DFU in wound size and degree at both dosage
2023 1. BB-101, a protein drug that promotes wound healing, applied to the US FDA  
    for the clinical trials of phase II (January)
  2. BB-101, a protein drug that promotes wound healing, has been approved by  
    the TaiwanFDA for clinical trials and will begin Phase II clinical trials at three
    medical centers in Taiwan (June)
2024 1. Awarded grant funding of $34M NTD for “Phase II Clinical Study Program for  
    WoundTherapy Protein Drug BB-101” from the Department of Industrial
    Technology(DOIT), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).(January)
  2. Completed the patent valuation for male pattern baldness technology and  
    licensed it to Sanar Biotech.(May)
  3. Successfully achieved mass production of cosmetic-grade dissolvable  






Eugene Huang, Chairman

Huang is the Chairman of Jim Brother’s Corporation and Hung Yuen Enterprise Co., Ltd.


Julio Lin, Ph.D., MBA, Vice President

Dr. Lin is a biomedical scientist with over 20 years of commercial process in life science industries, including medical devices, pharmaceutical, biomaterials manipulate technology and biochips.

Prior to joining Blue Blood Biotech Corp., Dr. Lin was the Deputy Project Director of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), which is a biggest R&D organization in Taiwan engaging in applied research and technical services.

He was responsible for global cooperation in integrates from small to big key account’s company to form a complete strategic alliance. He was Senior VP at Body Organ Biomedical Inc (listed company in Taiwan Stock Exchange Market) with cross continental’s office, covering TWN, China and the Netherlands.

During his around 10 years tenure at BOBC, which proceeded rapidly co-built sales organization operation at the Netherlands including related regulation approval.

He was not only build efficiency way to synergistic clinical trials and marketing tools, but also broadens the sales channels by shifting the company’s focus from ophthalmology oriented to biomaterials.

As a headquarter based in Taiwan, he lead the team to get first grant of SenterNovem from Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands for 0.3 million Euro with leading multinational research teams of China, Taiwan and the Netherlands in 2009!

He had successfully filing 36 patents with cost effective strategy of joint research in ProTop Mediking Biomedical Inc. In 2000, he initiated and ready for registration of class II medical device in Purzer pharmaceutical company, this is the first bone filler registration in Taiwan.

Dr. Lin was not only earned his Ph.D. from the Institute of Bioengineering in National Taiwan University but also expand his training to business by get a MBA degree from National Chen Chi University.






Hua-Lin Wu, Ph.D.

Dr. Wu is a professor of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University.

Professor Wu is specialized in enzymology, protein chemistry, proteases in clinical biochemistry, cardiovascular disease and etc.


Tom Chen, Ph.D.

Dr. Tom Chen, Founder & President of BioTEC56 LLC., brings more than 26 years of biotech experience.

He has built and led teams from early stage research through to advanced clinical development in small start-ups to mid-sized companies.

Prior to the current position, Dr. Chen held various leadership roles at biopharmaceutical companies including Prometic BioTherapeutics, American Red Cross and EntreMed.

At Prometic BioTherapeutics, Dr. Chen served as Vice President and then Senior Vice President at Prometic BioTherapeutics, with emphases on product and business developments.

Prior to Prometic, Dr. Chen served as Director of Process Development of Plasma-Derived Products Division at the American Red Cross, responsible for developing a novel platform technology for plasma fractionation. Prior to the American Red Cross, Dr. Chen was Director of the Pharmaceutical Sciences at EntreMed Inc., oversaw process and assay developments as well as coordinated manufacturing activities with CDMOs.

Dr. Chen also consulted for numerous non-profit organizations and biotech companies in US, China, and Taiwan, projects include recombinant protein therapeutics and vaccines.


Associate Professor Chuan-Liang Kao

Kao is an associate professor of School of Medical Technology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University and director of Clinical Virology, Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital.

Professor Kao is specialized in clinical virology, laboratory diagnosis, and viral diagnostic methods invention


Guey-Yueh, Shi, Ph.D.

Dr. Shi is a professor of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University.

Professor Shi is specialized in clinical biochemistry, transgene technology, gene regulation, signal transduction, clotting and thrombolytic- associated protein research.

